Top 5 Easter Pet Safety Hazards

This Easter favorite contains a chemical called theobromine that is highly toxic to dogs. The darker the chocolate, the greater the concentration of theobromine. Ingesting even small amounts can lead to nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, increased heart rate, seizures, heart failure, and death. Immediate veterinary care is recommended for any dog that consumes chocolate. While chocolate is also toxic to cats, it poses less risk, because cats are generally uninterested in eating chocolate. Small, sturdy candy wrappers like those used on tiny, colorful, foil wrapped eggs are hazards as well, because they can become lodged in throats or digestive tracts, requiring surgery to remove them.
Plastic Easter Basket Grass
Plastic Easter grass won’t break down in your pet’s digestive tract. Depending on the amount consumed, plastic grass has the potential to cause an intestinal blockage. Blockages like these can be potentially fatal and often require emergency surgery. Signs of a potential foreign body ingestion include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, decrease in appetite and lethargy.
Lilies are an Easter favorite, but they are extremely toxic to pets. Unlike dogs, cats tend toward ingesting toxic plants, the most well-known being Lilies. A cat that has simply licked Lily pollen off a paw or drank the water from a vase of Lilies could be in grave danger. Inspect any bouquets delivered to your home before bringing them inside. If you aren’t sure if a stem of something mixed into the bouquet is toxic, you can download a free plant identification application to your smartphone and upload a picture to get a quick answer.
Easter Feast
Like during Thanksgiving, many extended families gather to share an Easter meal. This can pose a threat to any pet who may go digging through the garbage in search of table scraps. Fatty foods, like ham or lamb (or the bones leftover from the meal), can lead to an upset stomach, or even a life-threatening case of pancreatitis. Vomiting, bloating, and abdominal pain are common side effects of a pet ingesting these Easter staples.
Food Coloring/ Egg Dye
While some food coloring and egg dye is considered food safe, some isn’t. It’s always best to check the labels of any dies you purchase before buying them. Even when the dye you’re using has been marked food safe, it is still best to keep them out of reach. Avoid feeding dyed foods to your pet, because some food safe dyes have been found to be carcinogenic in mice. If your pet ingests any dye and becomes ill, it is best to call Pet Poison Control, before bringing them to their veterinarian.
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At Happy Tails Veterinary Emergency Clinic in Greensboro, NC, our kind and knowledgeable team is available to provide gold standard emergency vet care for you and your pet. We’re available in the late night and early morning hours during the week, and 24/7 on weekends for your convenience.